'Love' Letter to Earth

Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s ‘Love Letter to the Earth’ and Extinction Rebellion’s 2019 adoption of ‘Letters to Earth’ as resistance to capitalist narratives I decided today, Valentine’s Day, to join others in writing my own ‘Love Letter to Earth’. I as nature; as interdependent and interconnected with planet and living with/in the global web of life systems I want to share just a few of my experiences that exemplify my love of Earth.

Dear Earth,

Nestled into my Highland home the wild winds, circling rain and speeding clouds abound. It was but yesterday the winter sun shone resolute across the mountains, lochs and seas, where silver glints reflected and eager buds expectantly waited to bloom. The season of Spring is soon to be upon me in these lands and days are extending little by little, with my anticipation of warmth, life and abundance brewing whilst I remain quiet and entombed inside the house. Like the bulbs, buds, blossoms and animals I feel my energy ready to burst with new ideas, creations and momentum for materialising something I as yet do not know. But it is there waiting; it is readying itself to flower.

In youth I adventured far and wide across you Earth, in eagerness for exploration, exchange and knowledge of body, mind and spirit. Sat on a greek beach into the late hours of the night I guarded turtle nests from tourists and predators, awaiting the smallest of offspring to emerge from the sand and help them reach the sea whilst preventing light pollution distracting them from their path. One late afternoon with the sun still beating down the hatchlings were climbing out too soon and I sat with my flip-flop shading a little one as it tried tirelessly to reach the cool of the waters. To help it I scooped it up and held it in the waters, refreshing it and once returned to the sand it continued to struggle with unrelenting courage to make it out to sea. Even under the harshest and most unsuitable circumstances the hatchling made it to the cooler sand where the waves lapped softly and with renewed enthusiasm the turtle excitedly paddled it’s flippers faster and faster to finally be floating and begin it’s journey across oceans and maybe never touch sand again. Earth, that summer I learnt once again of our shared compassion for all living creatures and of the sheer determination to live and begin the unknown journey of our lives.

I have found love and enchantment in every sunrise and sunset upon you Earth, across every landscape, be it urban cities and towns, the wide expanse of deserts or shelter between mountains, the turning on your axis and your spinning around the sun has filled me with huge joy, inspiration and peace. And at night, when dusk has fallen, where habitats and ecosystems begin to rest and ready themselves for sleep I have looked up through trees and from lofty gazing spots to spy the Universe in cosmological amazement. To know you are a unique and singular planet of this solar system, within this galaxy and amongst so much ‘matter’ never even touched or seen with human bodies is comforting and unfathomable. Our significance and insignificance existing simultaneously.

My footsteps have walked across many lands and my mind has learnt many traditions, cultures, ideas, beliefs and words. Each place a wondrous and distinct affect that has forever changed me, transformed me and helped me to co-create new knowledges, new ideas and thus materialise ‘new worlds’ as nature. The sand between my toes, the smell of earthy nurturing soil and the fresh cut stems of grass filling my nostrils with sentimental rememberings of childhood and summer days. Climbing up rocky outcrops and hiking trails to reach the top of mountain sides, hills, cliff faces and giant rock formations with stunning and mesmerising views have been my motivation for efforts beyond what I thought I could achieve and do. Upon these diverse paths and playgrounds I discovered my spirit to dance, run, dive, climb and keep persevering through the movement of my body, the determination of my thoughts and through the relationships I have as nature; my relationship with you.

And then there are the saddest days remembered, the lost days of grief and despair, where you were my council and my only solace. To sit outside and just let sunlight touch my skin or feel lifted by the brush of wind and a visit from the Robin. These moments only you and I have known and only you and I shall keep. I was my closest to you when faith left me. I was my most reliant on you when I needed healing and comfort without judgement or conditions. You are unconditional and ever present. You are community and animate no matter my vulnerabilities, insecurities and anxieties. With you I feel vital and inconsequential.

Thank you for all your love, life and abundance. Thank you for the wild windy cold days and the evening warmth of mid-summer. Thank you for changing and becoming as I continue to learn I change and become with you. Thank you for your wisdom, insight and friendship.

All my love always
